Mar 28, 2008 3:48 PM
Subject: "American Hospitality" Police Brutality at Free Tibet Action
Body: Tibet Protest
Free Tibet Demonstration in NYC - Police action
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=rae0ufXb9QI&feature=related
Free Tibet March 10 in New York
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=B0OEH8YWQmQ&feature=related
Police violence against protesters is nothing new.
But since most people don't realize that it is standard procedure and has been for years - they are surprised when they find out.
Even seasoned protested believe the Propaganda. i.e. "Land of the Free" "Freedom of Speech" etc.
And when protesting I have often encountered the tired line from members of the public:
"Hey if you were in another country [we would] just kill you."
"You are disgusting, since you are not grateful that [we don't just kill you for doing this]."
~paraphrase "We are such a great country we let ungrateful assholes like you all parade around. Only in *this great country* do we allow creeps like you to say bad things about the government. But you don't deserve it."
The implication being that the public, or elements of the public, believe it is a privilege (that is abused) rather than a straight out right - for someone to speak their mind.
The most strongly protected [only] "right" [left] in "America" as I was told by a government worker at the Ulster County Mental Health clinic, is to wander the streets insane "if you so choose." In that case they won't bother you. It's too expensive to help. And, beside, it's your "right" to be mentally ill without treatment.
Point being, if you are ill and need help, they will leave you alone.
For More Info on this horror:
Treatment Advocacy Center
If you are doing political protesting a lot of government resources will be spent to harass you (spy on you and infiltrate your organization and perhaps even murder you).
A lot of money is being spend murdering people and causing major mahem in Iraq. And I understand the anti-war protests here have gotten smaller and smaller.
A sentiment I heard on the street yesterday from a seasoned and determined anti-war activists "Americans are colluding in an illegal war. They are colluding in murder. As long as they are not threatened personally, they do not care what happens to others."
I tried to defend the Public and said, "But don't you think the Mass Media is to blame for using its influence to mind control the population?"
He said, "No thePublic is responsible if they are allowing themselves to be swayed by the TV. Anyone can get on the Internet for a few hours and inform themselves."
I've lost the Man's card, but he sell stickers "Who Would Jesus Bomb?"
Dr. Postert & Old Nick - O
There Is Justice
With this inspiration, we are given hope that the Universe may in fact be
Just. And by this sign we are given inspiration to stay the co...
15 years ago