Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Does anyone know where the hijackedt; 911 passengers are?

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Pan Man
Date: Jun 26, 2007 9:03 PM

When UA Flight 93 landed at Cleveland Hopkins Airport at 10:45 AM on Tuesday September 11th, 2001 as a result of a bomb threat (along with Delta Flight 1989 which landed for the same reason at Hopkins at 10:15 AM on 9/11), the report by local Cleveland news media (and later by Loose Change) was that the FBI evacuated both planes and required all persons in the main terminal awaiting flights, friends or there on other business to leave while at the same time prohibiting anyone from leaving the airport in vehicles. It is reported that the Delta flight had 65 passengers which were taken to the FAA quarters for interrogation and de-briefing while the approximate 200 passengers aboard Flight 93 (which we are told crashed near Shanksville after a passenger mutiny against the "hijackers" at 10:03 AM) were evacuated to the vacant NASA Center building at the far end of the airport complex for their investigation.

Since there were no official flight manifests released by the government for any of the 4 "hijacked" commercial airliners (AA11, AA77, UA 93 and UA175)
it remains a mystery why the unofficial passengers lists published on the internet and still available for inspection shows that Flight 93 on a transcontinental 8:00 AM weekday passage from Newark to San Francisco had only 37 passengers and 7 crew on a Boeing 757 2 class that had a normal compliment of around 200 passengers. None of the "hijacked" airliners showed any Arabs on their published lists and only one of the four planes (UA175) was even close to half capacity while the other three were from 20% to 30% of capacity.

But wait! There's more! Neither AA11 or AA77 were scheduled to fly out of Boston Logan on the morning of 9/11. Both of those planes were still shown as "valid" until the cancellation date for both planes was filed on 1/14/02! Stranger still is the fact that UA93 and UA175 were both shown by FAA and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics to have been classified as "valid" until both were cancelled on.....9/28/05! That's over 4 years after the attacks on 9/11. Anyone have a clue as to why these facts are soooooo different from the "official story" of the 911 Commission Report? We all know that no commercial airliner crashed in to the Pentagon or in to an abandoned strip mine near Shanksville and the evidence strongly suggests that the planes that crashed in to the WTC, which we were all told were AA11 and UA175, were in fact not commercial airliners at all but military drones flying on remote control. If we were lied to about the Pentagon and Shanksville, it only follows that the entire story was a big fat cover up for what really happened. We know what happened to the planes months and years after the attacks....now, what happened to the passengers?

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