Monday, October 1, 2007

Consensus Trance Oil Scarcity?

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Musicians Say No! To Bush World Order. AKA Red.
Date: Oct 1, 2007 1:23 PM

The Consensus Trance ...

Most of us have heard about "Peak Oil" ... how many are actually getting ready for it ... who's planning ahead for their family?

There is growing demand for energy across the globe. Demand for electricity is forecast to double from 2002 to 2025. Yet the existing supplies may not cope with this demand, and significant investment is needed in new generation systems that also meet higher efficiency and environmental standards.

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Crude Impact: Oil, The Earth and Humanity ...

Our Math class was one of wisdom ... along side the Math, our deeply caring teacher Mr. Hamilton, offered classes of young minds insight into a future that we, his class, were going to have a great effect on...
Most importantly, he instilled within us, or at least, those of us who would care to remember these snippets of Future Reality, once we'd grown through adolescence, left school, dived headlong into a post war economy, helping rebuild it ... finally to raise our own families, which as he only too well understood, in it's amalgamation with the whole of mankind, would drain our Earths reserves to the point of depletion, thus causing the need for mankind to find other means of energy, and food recourses ... which called for the search for new and sustainable alternatives ...
Right back then, there were, as this man proved, minds that could see beyond a capitalist society, which would be the cause of it's own demise, through the abuse of this Earth, and those upon it.

Having no relevance at that time, considering "the growth" of a new dawn following WW2, his words were for our conscience to hold fast, memories that would emerge when later in life, we would understand this mans depth of humanity, for his words now echo to a decline in all we knew to be good, worthy, and wholesome.

Of all the interactions of Man, his biggest concern beyond the necessary abuse of third world countries, their citizens, and economies, was what we now know as "Peak Oil" ... though he never coined this particular phrase, he foretold the event quite clearly, and i personally thank him for saving me from the mire of consumerism, which thankfully, has never been of importance to me ever since.
Nevertheless ... of course, the vast majority of us followed the continuous colourful, and tempting advertising without another thought of his teachings or concerns for us, and our then to be families, not to mention the global one.

Today, we sit upon the horizon of "Peak Oil" ... for those of us who don't know what this brings, the following ...

First we must address "Peak Discovery", this happened around 1964, that is, when discoveries were At Their Peak ... and have been reducing year on year ever since ...

Now, "Peak Oil" taking all forecasts, on average, this could be any time between now and 2015 ... where at, there will be a continued downslide of oil depletion, leading to great expense, and added cost on all the western worlds economy ... which as we know is totally dependant on such ...

One might all of a sudden find a correlation here ... between the pending lack of cheap oil, (even at today's high price) and wars in counties from where this oil is drawn .. this for me is the underlying confirmation that the New World Order, and The Project For The New American Century ... have Long Ago determined to take control of foreign oil fields, taking control of Distribution, just as attempted by "the elite" in Canada some years back...
These Warring Financiers are trying to hang onto the wealth, and control that they've accumulated over many decades, while being reluctant to offer the world the affordable, if not free energy, for which we Know the technology exists ...
This Technology is online via small firms right now, where in the past, some caring, and courageous folk have met with early departure form this realm, for daring "not wanting" to sell to multinationals but sell direct to a needy public ... one of which, it seems was Stan Meyer, one of many who innovated a "Hydrogen Cell", that can run cars on water, while these "cells" can be converted to domestic use ... in other words, we "could" generate our own energy, for the price of our water rates ... This Is Not What These "elite" Want ... they want our money, even if it kills us !!!!

With the remorseless rise in the demand for Oil, in a world were Oil is becoming rarer, we each need to take onboard our present lifestyles, try to regulate our own need for such, how we approach our future with the lack of fuel that drives the western economic system.

If one has a large garden laid to lawn, concrete, or simply left to grow wild, we might want to start thinking of plans to make changes, and lay down ye olde worlde Vegitable Plot.
Imagine, the cost of food carried half way around the world, the planes, ships, and lorries needed to accomplish this, all using ever costly oil ... while over time these prices rise astronomically to the point where only the Very rich will be able to afford to "shop", take holidays that require transport, in the few expensive seats available in a world with many less aircraft, and public vehicles ... growing our own food is for one, healthy for us, especially when organic, moreover, there is no added pollution or fuel use via "road miles, plane miles", and such.. better yet, along with a little green energy, we become less dependant on states which would have us enslaved to a "system in decline", AND, go down with it !!!
All the more reason for bringing "Green Energy" online as fast as we can ... at least becoming to an extent self reliant through the application of one form or another in our own private lives.

The UK government wants to build more Nuclear power stations ... they Know Peak Oil is hitting us NOW and we're going to need nuclear!!! ... The Greens are kicking up a fuss, which to me reveals a lack of foresight, there is no way we can tackle the coming darkness without nuclear power... as much as one would Love to see Solar, and Wind energy utilised, shamefully, there just isn't the Public interest, while government, with shallow coffers due to warring for Neanderthal energy in the form of oil, hasn't the means to underwrite the social adhesion needed to spring this desperately wanted action into being ... so they Will build nuclear stations regardless of what others say, it's just a matter of time.

We're told we can create oil from ... Bio-Mass , which really isn't a brilliant idea, on account that we're going to need all the spare soil we can find to grow "local food", as transportation will be way too costly for the vast majority to afford...
We can create oil from Coal ... which as we all know, was one of the ways that Germany managed to fuel their war machine ...Shale can be converted to oil ... but all of these will be scarce, and very expensive, even by today's standards ...

If there ever was a time in which you felt you needed to do something about the way in which you live ... Now Is It ...

Learning from Cuba's Response to Peak Oil ...

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Hear/see differing views on Peak Oil problem

Video ... Running Out Of Oil


"A very short and sweet PEAK OIL video presentation on the problem and part of the solution. It did not cover the possibility of alternative energies but it did have the right concept of the type of trouble that we are all going to be in very soon.

All other alternative energies will take many years to fully implement but if all can be done simultaneously, I believe we can have a rocky but possible transition to a tough but survivable world.

Do view the video to the very end to let sink in PEAK OIL’s implications for us all.

Note: This video was created in the USA where electricity is generated mostly by coal" ...

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Peak Oil debunked in 4 minutes ... can you believe this ;~))

< HREF="">Page URL ... No embedde code for this video ...

One Love ~

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