Sunday, February 17, 2008

Look kids, Some Americans Actually Do Know What's Happening

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Cam
Date: Feb 17, 2008 8:38 AM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: albert
Date: 17 Feb 2008, 08:26 PM


Circulating on YouTube is a video of a fascist physically assaulting a kid for riding a skateboard. (And I feel so much safer because of it.) Guess what the cop's punishment was when the video got public attention. A paid vacation. They call it "suspended with pay," which means he still gets taxpayer money, but doesn't work-- if you call harassing nonviolent kids "working." Well, now there is yet another video of that same thug displaying his usual contempt for the peasantry:

I hate to be a broken record, but since 99.999% of the country still doesn't get it, I'll say it again. THIS is the result of the myth of "authority": it gives societal PERMISSION for a few people to harass, intimidate, rob, extort, assault, and kidnap, where normal people have no such right. Imagine what would have happened if the kid with the remote control car said, "Get lost, you piece of #$@%^." (This is the same cop who had a fit because another kid called him "dude.")

Here's a very simple question that I challenge any statist to answer: if all people are created equal (as far as their rights), how did this one obnoxious twit--and every other cop on the planet-- acquire the rights to do things that you and I DON'T have the right to do? And how did it come about that we have to treat them with EXTRA respect, and not treat them like the moronic thugs they are?


Larken Rose

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